
Specific calls for Horizon 2020 that require the participation of CELAC countries

Specific calls for Horizon 2020 that require the participation of CELAC countries

Horizon 2020 is the largest multinational program dedicated to research and innovation and is open to the world. This means that researchers, universities, research organizations, companies and non-governmental organizations around the world can submit an application to participate in the Work Program activities carried out mainly through calls for proposals.

The calls for the Work Program represent a large investment of 30,000 million euros and offer an extraordinary opportunity for the scientific community and innovators from third countries to take advantage of the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 in collaboration with their counterparts in the EU and associated countries.

More Information:

MEMO: Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020

Horizon 2020 website and calls

Participant portal